Registration Unit’s role is to ensure that all Registered Nurses, Community Nurses, Midwife Nurses Part I, Midwife Nurses Part II, Public Health Nurses and Mental Health Nurses who have passed the Malaysian Nursing Board Exam / Malaysian Midwifery Board Examination and BPL Final Examination from MOH Colleges of Nursing, IPTA, IPTS that are recognized and registered with Malaysian Nursing Board / Malaysian Midwifery Board in accordance with the Nurses Act 1950 and Regulations 1985 and Nurse Midwives Act 1966 and Regulations 1990.
Nursing Board Malaysia is responsible for the issuance of the Certificate of Annual Practice to enable nurses to practice nursing in Malaysia.
- To ensure that all Registered Nurses, Community Nurses, Midwife Nurses Part I, Midwife Nurses Part II, Public Health Nurses and Mental Health Nurses who passed the exam are registeredwith the Nursing BoardMalaysia/Midwifery BoardMalaysia
- To make sure every nurse registered with the Nursing Board Malaysia (NBM) maintains his/her competency in order to practice nursing.
- Registration
All nurses who have passed to the Nursing Board Malaysia (NBM), Midwifery Board Malaysia (MBM) and final examination of the BPL Colleges, Ministry of Health Malaysia, IPTS and IPTA recognized in Malaysia and Malaysian Nurses trained outside Malaysia. - Annual Practicing Certificate (APC) for Nurses
APC is issued to all registered nurses who register to with (NBM) to practice nursing at health facilities in Malaysia - Retention of Name
This procedure is done as to maintain the registered status in (NBM) for nurses who are not practicing nursing in Malaysia, furthering their studies or working abroad. - Confirmation of Registration
This procedures is to verify and certify nurses who will further study in the field of nursing in Institutions of Higher Learning and to nurse who are applying to work abroad in order to register with the Nursing of the respective countries. - Verification Transcript Training
To verify and certify training transcript for nurses who have registered with NBM or MBM or as stipulated in the act - Letter of Good Standing
To certify nurses registered within the MNB / MMB have maintained their registered status through the service and never been revoked. - Approval of Notice of Intent to Midwives Division I, II & III (Hospital / Private Clinic)
Issuing approval for the practice of midwifery in the Hospital / Private Clinic