Client Charter

Client Charter

Nursing Division is committed and will make every effort to provide services that are of quality standard to all clients by ensuring that:

  1.  All clients will be attended to at the counter within 15 minutes upon arrival.
  2. Examination results from the Malaysia Nursing and Midwifery Board will be announced to all Ministry of Health Training Institution (Nursing), Universiti Awam (UA) and IPTS through the Sistem Pengurusan Maklumat Jururawat (SPMJ) within 7 working days from the last date of receipt of examination answer sheets from all the examination centers.
  3. The processing and issuing of the following certificates are within the time set as follows:

    i)  Nursing Registration Certificate will be issued and send to the Training Institution Ministry of Health (Nursing) within fourteen (14) working days after the date of receiving a complete application form.

    ii)  Nursing Annual Practicing Certificate (APC) will be processed before 31st December after receiving a complete application form before 30th September of the same year.

    iii)  Temporary Practicing Certificate (TPC) will be issued within three (3) working days after receiving a complete application form.

  4. The applicant will be informed on the approval of the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points within seven (7) working days before the program starts.

Client Charter Archivement

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