Continuing Professional Development (CPD)


Continuing Professional Developments (CPD) is a program that contributes to the accumulation of knowledge, skills and experience that can enhance the professionalism of healthcare in their respective fields. This approach is important because the field of medicine is constantly evolving with the latest research and discoveries that require healthcare professionals to continuously improve their knowledge in line with the progress made in order to provide the best and most current medical care to the community.

MOH has developed an online CPD monitoring system known as the myCPD system. The system allows optometrists and other healthcare professionals to record their CPD activities in an online logbook.

MyCPD system has been used by MOH since 2007 and has been upgraded to myCPD2 since 2017. Now, the system also be extended to private optometry practitioners.

CPD credit points for Annual Practice Certificate (APC) renewal

Although the use of CPD credit points for the renewal of APC for optometrist and optician has not been enforced at this time, Malaysian Optical Council encourages all registered optometry practitioners to register as users in the myCPD2 system to record all CPD activities in the logbook. It is to ensure that optometry practitioners in Malaysia are always competent and excellent in providing quality and safe healthcare to the people.

CPD Credit point System for Optometrist / Optician

CPD points for optometry practitioners are based on CPD credit templates for optometrists and optician provided by the Malaysian Optical Council. the link for click: CPD Credit Point System for Optometrist/Optician


Malaysian Optical Council has provided guidelines and procedures for users and program / event providers.

A. General Guideline
      i. Buku Panduan Continuing Professional Developement (CPD) KKM Tahun 2018

B. Specific Guidelines
      i. Garis Panduan Permohonan Penganjuran Program CPD dalam  Sistem myCPD2

      ii. Guideline for Optometry Practitioners: How To Register And Make Claim In myCPD2 System

For more details, please contact:

Competency Sector
Malaysian Optical Council


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